Duston - United States

Thank you so much! This will be wonderful for our interfaith group''s library!

Cynthia - France

Message:  French: As salam alaykoum, en tant que convertie est n''ayant pas les moyens de m''acheter des livres islamique, je trouve que en avoir gratuitement est vraiment super, j''ai eux beaucoup de retour de soeurs satisfait ! Qu''Allah vous récompense .

EnglishAs salam alaykum, as converted is not having the means to m’’acheter of Islamic books, I find that having free is really great, much I’’ve them return satisfied sisters! Qu’’Allah reward you.

Agnieszka - Poland

As-Salam Alejkum wa rahmatullahi wa baraketuh, 

My name is Agnieszka. I am polish muslim from 5 years. 

I would like to thank you very much for books which i got from you.

I have website www.islam-sunna.pl and I am doing all my best to make dawah in Poland.

I have a lot of books from Egipt in polish language, hamdulilah.

Everybody who want know more about islam can send me massege with address and get books from me.

Is it possible send to me books but in bigger quantity ? Of course I means about books in polish language.

May Allah reward you my brother in islam,

Assalam aleykoum,