A Brief Note on Fasting
A Brief Note on Fasting
By: Sheikh Mohammad bin Saleh Al-Othaimeen
Fasting: is a form of worship by abstaining from things, which nullify it, from dawn till sunset.
A Brief Note on Fasting
By: Sheikh Mohammad bin Saleh Al-Othaimeen
Fasting: is a form of worship by abstaining from things, which nullify it, from dawn till sunset.
Une brève note sur le jeûne
De : Sheikh Mohammad bin Saleh Al-Othaimeen
Le jeûne : est un mode de culte par l’abstention de choses, qui l’annulent, de l’aube au coucher du soleil.
Combating Terrorism
Dr. Ali S. Awadh Asseri
(Former Saudi Ambassador to Lebanon)
Saudi Strategy against Terrorism:
Domestic Dimensions
Islamic Jurisprudence: Wisdom and Purposes
Question 51: Is it possible that the whole system of this universe has occurred by coincidence?
Islamic Jurisprudence: Wisdom and Purposes
Question 50: Is Islam to be imposed on people or do people have to embrace it willingly?
Combating Terrorism
Dr. Ali S. Awadh Asseri
(Former Saudi Ambassador to Lebanon)
Saudi Strategy against Terrorism:
Domestic Dimensions
Combating Terrorism
Dr. Ali S. Awadh Asseri
(Former Saudi Ambassador to Lebanon)
Saudi Strategy against Terrorism:
Domestic Dimensions
Questions and Answers on Islamic Jurisprudence
Islamic Jurisprudence: Wisdom and Purposes
Question 49: Do people inherit the religion of Islam from their parents?
Combating Terrorism
Dr. Ali S. Awadh Asseri
(Former Saudi Ambassador to Lebanon)
Saudi Strategy against Terrorism:
Domestic Dimensions
Question 48: Since no one has able to see God, and since no dead person was resurrected to tell us what happened to him after death, how could we believe in any religion?